27 December 2012

Me, Myself & First Post

Dah lama I teringin nak ada blog sendiri. Dulu pernah jugak la cuba-cuba buat blog (masa zaman study dulu) tapi x jalan sebab buta IT..hehe...sekarang pun xderla celik IT sangat, tapi boleh la sikit-sikit... :)

I'm currently 4 months pregnant. So, I wish to dedicate this blog to my future children, insya Allah. Masa tahu je I pregnant (in September 2012), memang the first thing yang terlintas dalam kepala I adalah to create this blog, but bcoz sibuk dengan macam-macam hal (tukar kerja, check up baby, engagement of sister-in-law, etc) sekarang baru la I berpeluang to create my own blog. I want to share my feeling and experience especially during pregnancy, give birth & raising children. And of course, I will share about anything else too!! I've been waiting for this moment (to get pregnant & to be a mother) for one and a half year (since we got married).

So, wish me luck & all the best in raising my children to be a good Muslim and the best child to us.



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