15 March 2013

Anniversary Celebration > Restoran Nelayan Titiwangsa @ Gombak

Lambat sikit nak post pasal our anniversary celebration. This is because I'm not feeling well this whole week. Fever, batuk, selsema >> memang complete package la... Huhu.. :(

11 March 2013 ari tue adalah our 2nd anniversary. We suppose to have a sweet vacation but as I cerita in previous post, > Pregnancy & Flight : Wedding Anniversary Trip Yang Terpaksa Dicancelkan < our vacation terpaksa di cancelkan. Mr Hubby pun senyap je pasal replacement trip tue.. Huhu.. :'(

Takpe la.. Lagipun, sekarang kena fokus pada keperluan baby dahulu. Our needs, nanti-nanti pun takpe la.. So, we just have a nice dinner on that day. We celebrate our 2nd anniversary at Restoran Nelayan Titiwangsa @ Gombak.

The food there, just nice je la...Dorang sediakan 3-in-1 buffet dinner. Ada steamboat, makanan Melayu & ayam BBQ. Tempat memang cantik, especially kalau untuk sapa-sapa yang nak wat event. Harga pun murah je, RM29 net seorang. Tapi, bila Mr Hubby tanya nak datang lagi ke tak tempat nie, I dengan pantas cakap tak nak sebab sorry to say,  for me tempat nie biasa aje, nothing special.... Tapi, dalam 'nothing special' tue pun, makan sampai sengkak jugak.. Hahaha... :)



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