25 February 2013

Pregnancy & Flight : Wedding Anniversary Trip Yang Terpaksa Di Cancelkan

Last year, masa Air Asia ada buat promo free seat, Mr Hubby and his best friends ada la booking tickets for us (3 couples)  KL-Tawau-KK-KL. Actually, they booked the tickets for 21 - 25 February 2013 (which is today we supposed to come back from KK). But unfortunately, me & Mr Hubby cannot join the trip. So, the other 2 couples je la yang pergi sana. Me & Mr Hubby kenala burn ticket macam tue je..huhu..

Actually, me & Mr Hubby planned this trip gonna be our wedding anniversary trip la konon-konon nya. Last year, wedding anniversary trip kitorang pegi Cameron Highlands. So, this year we plan nak pegi Tawau & Kota Kinabalu la. Masa beli ticket tue, I belum pregnant lagi. So, kita just book je la mana-mana date yang agak-agak dekat dengan our anniversary. Tapi, sebab sekarang dah pregnant and dah 28 weeks pun, so tak nak la ambil risiko naik flight lagi.

Kalau pregnant mommies nak naik flight, ada beberapa policy yang telah ditetapkan oleh syarikat penerbangan. Ini adalah polisi Air Asia bagi ibu mengandung yang nak naik flight (copy from Air Asia website):

Your safety and wellbeing is important to us, so if you are a pregnant guest or are traveling with one, please take note of the following tips, terms & conditions:

Some tips:

All airlines recommend that you consult your doctor before traveling at any point in your pregnancy.

1. Play it safe by getting a letter from your healthcare provider.

2. You won't – and shouldn't – get one if your pregnancy is considered high-risk.

3. For your return trip, please take your due date into consideration. And before you plan a cross-country or international flight, remember how you'll feel squeezed into a seat for hours.

Important! Terms & Conditions:

It is the duty of pregnant passengers to advise us of the progress of their pregnancy at the point of booking of Seat and at the check-in counter. Our carriage of pregnant passengers are subject to the following conditions:

a. Pregnancy up to 27 weeks (inclusive): Guest must sign AirAsia/AirAsia X Limited Liability Statement at the time of check-in to absolve AirAsia/Airasia X against any liabilities arising there from.

b. Pregnancy between 28 weeks to 34 weeks (inclusive):
- Submission of an approved doctor's medical certificate required. 
- Doctor's medical certificate confirming the number of weeks of pregnancy and the certificate shall be dated not more than thirty (30) days from either the scheduled outbound or the scheduled inbound flight departure date as the case may be .
b2. Guest must sign AirAsia/AirAsia X Limited Liability Statement at the time of check-in to absolve AirAsia/AirAsia X against any liabilities arising there from.

c. Pregnancy 35 weeks and above: carriage not permitted on AirAsia/AirAsia X. 

Selain tue, I nak share la jugak pandangan dari American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists. According to them, tiada halangan pada wanita hamil yang tidak mempunyai apa-apa masalah untuk naik flight. Namun, untuk kandungan berusia 36 minggu dan ke atas, ibu hamil tidak digalakkan untuk naik flight.

For those yang ada komplikasi kehamilan dan berisiko tinggi, memang tidak digalakkan naik flight. For example, those yang ada tekanan darah tinggi, kencing manis yang tak terkawal, uri yang berada di bawah (placenta previa) dan yang berisiko untuk kelahiran pramatang.

So, after deep thought, me & Mr Hubby rasa tak perlu la we both ambil risiko even so far I don't have any problem. Hasil pembacaan juga ada yang mengatakan tak selamat bagi ibu mengandung naik flight kerana gegaran & tekanan udara yang rendah dalam kabin boleh merangsang kelahiran pramatang dan keguguran. Jadi, kenapa nak ambil risiko lagi kan?? Bak kata omputeh, prevention is better than cure.

Tapi, for those yang takder choice and terpaksa jugak naik flight during pregnancy, better consult with your doctor first. They know better than us.. 

So, wedding anniversary trip yang nie dah cancel, tak tahu la Mr Hubby baik hati tak nak buat replacement wedding anniversary trip ke tempat yang lebih sesuai untuk ibu mengandung..hehe...tunggu je la....


CNY Holiday: Sis-In-Law Wedding Ceremony

Last Chinese New Year holiday, my sister-in-law got married with a gentleman from Pantai Remis.

The solemnization ceremony was held at Masjid Jalan Baharu Penang on 8th February 2013 at 4.15pm. Of course la Mr Hubby is 'orang kuat' majlis since he is the eldest and the only brother in his family. Me, tak de la jadi 'orang kuat' sangat bcoz tengah memboyot kannn...haha..

mak long, fiza & mama

The next day (9th February 2013), was held the reception ceremony at Dewan Mutiara Bandar Perda. I tak banyak snap picture sangat, bcoz bz melayan tetamu kann... (bajet bz sangat la tu kann.. ;p )

shah & fiza

10th February - It was a day to get full rest and get ready for groom's reception ceremony.

Groom's reception was held on 11th February 2013 at Pantai Remis. So, we started our journey there around 10.30 a.m. 

pengantin baru

pengantin baru & pengantin lama

After makan-makan semua, me & Mr Hubby terus bertolak balik KL eventhough tomorrow still CNY Holiday. Dah tak larat nak patah balik Penang and tak larat nak menempuh jam esok.

Saaaaaaaaangat letih, but I love wedding ceremony soooooo much. Best tengok orang kahwin, teringat my own wedding ceremony last 2011. :) :) :)


22 February 2013

CNY Holiday : Kait Rambutan

During Chinese New Year that day, me and Mr Hubby balik kampung. Actually, my sister-in law kahwin on 8 February 2013. So, we went back earlier >> malam 6 February 2013.

So, we slept at Mr Hubby's grandmom's house at Bandar Baharu. We arrived there at 1 am. Sampai je, grandmom terus kait rambutan for us.. Yes, even it is 1 o'clock in the morning, grandmom selamba je keluar belakang rumah (yg gelap giler) and kait rambutan for us. haha..so, dapat la jugak merasa dalam 10 biji at that time.

So, the next morning, the first thing we do after breakfast >> kait rambutan of course..

See, Mr Hubby yang bertungkus-lumus kait rambutan. Belakang grandmom's house ada 2 jenis rambutan >> warna merah n kuning. We both loved the yellow one bcoz rasanya tak manis sangat and isinya besar2 and cantik2. 

Penat jugak nak mengutip rambutan yang dah jatuh ke tanah tue. Hopefully next year dah ada 'si kecil' yang tolong join sekali mengutip rambutan. :)


14 February 2013

CNY Sales - Hunting Baby Items Second Round

Happy Chinese New Year dear readers!! It is the year of SNAKE...wuhuuu.. 

During festive seasons in Malaysia, what we normally do??? ahhaaa... Please agreed with me, that we Malaysian loves shopping during the festive seasons. The reasons >> of course la there are so many sales during that time. =)

I also do not miss this opportunity to participate in the CNY sales. But this time, I am hunting baby items, of course. Target >> to complete my baby's items checklist <<

So, let's check out what have I bought during this CNY sales :

We are done shopping these items in Sogo and Mont Kiara. Baby's bath tub, baby blanket, napkin, cotton buds, lotion & etc. We also bought NUK's bottle sterilizer for RM299 >> the best part we also got free items like 3 NUK bottles, baby sponge, baby teethe,  pacifiers & 1 set travel pack of baby lotion, baby bath, baby cream and baby shampoo <<.

This time we spent around RM590 for all these items (including the sterilizer). 

I need to update my baby items checklist again. I will share the complete list of baby items checklist in next post.
