25 February 2013

CNY Holiday: Sis-In-Law Wedding Ceremony

Last Chinese New Year holiday, my sister-in-law got married with a gentleman from Pantai Remis.

The solemnization ceremony was held at Masjid Jalan Baharu Penang on 8th February 2013 at 4.15pm. Of course la Mr Hubby is 'orang kuat' majlis since he is the eldest and the only brother in his family. Me, tak de la jadi 'orang kuat' sangat bcoz tengah memboyot kannn...haha..

mak long, fiza & mama

The next day (9th February 2013), was held the reception ceremony at Dewan Mutiara Bandar Perda. I tak banyak snap picture sangat, bcoz bz melayan tetamu kann... (bajet bz sangat la tu kann.. ;p )

shah & fiza

10th February - It was a day to get full rest and get ready for groom's reception ceremony.

Groom's reception was held on 11th February 2013 at Pantai Remis. So, we started our journey there around 10.30 a.m. 

pengantin baru

pengantin baru & pengantin lama

After makan-makan semua, me & Mr Hubby terus bertolak balik KL eventhough tomorrow still CNY Holiday. Dah tak larat nak patah balik Penang and tak larat nak menempuh jam esok.

Saaaaaaaaangat letih, but I love wedding ceremony soooooo much. Best tengok orang kahwin, teringat my own wedding ceremony last 2011. :) :) :)



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