22 February 2013

CNY Holiday : Kait Rambutan

During Chinese New Year that day, me and Mr Hubby balik kampung. Actually, my sister-in law kahwin on 8 February 2013. So, we went back earlier >> malam 6 February 2013.

So, we slept at Mr Hubby's grandmom's house at Bandar Baharu. We arrived there at 1 am. Sampai je, grandmom terus kait rambutan for us.. Yes, even it is 1 o'clock in the morning, grandmom selamba je keluar belakang rumah (yg gelap giler) and kait rambutan for us. haha..so, dapat la jugak merasa dalam 10 biji at that time.

So, the next morning, the first thing we do after breakfast >> kait rambutan of course..

See, Mr Hubby yang bertungkus-lumus kait rambutan. Belakang grandmom's house ada 2 jenis rambutan >> warna merah n kuning. We both loved the yellow one bcoz rasanya tak manis sangat and isinya besar2 and cantik2. 

Penat jugak nak mengutip rambutan yang dah jatuh ke tanah tue. Hopefully next year dah ada 'si kecil' yang tolong join sekali mengutip rambutan. :)



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