22 January 2013

Another 27th Birthday Gift

Last Friday (18 January 2013), I received a call from the Gdex courier guy, told me that I have one courier item addressed to me. Unfortunately, I am at the office at that time and I asked him to leave the item at the guard house.

Back from work, I fetch the item (it is a big box) and start guessing what is inside the packaging.

After open the box...........

Guess what?? It is one big brown Mr Teddy (height around 170 cm)!! Another birthday gift from my beloved Mr Hubby, which supposed to be delivered a week before. But, it is still acceptable as birthday gift because it's still in January & he already gave me a birthday gift on my actual 27th birthday.

Haha..He promised to give me a big teddy bear since we are dating (last few years back). And I'm almost forget about it already. But, it's ok, as long as he fulfill his promise, I will say 'thank you soooooooo much dear!!!' :)


21 January 2013

Hunting Baby Items - First Round

Yesterday, me & Mr Hubby went to 'Mother Baby Kids Expo' at PWTC (on the last day of the expo). We are planning to just survey the baby items. But, at the end....... tadaaaaaa!!!

Haha!! We spent around RM280 for all these items. I'm very excited to purchase baby items!! Baby items are sooooo cute!!! And the price there is reasonable (Can said cheap also)..

I need to update my baby items checklist for the second/final round hunt our baby items, possibly in March :)


17 January 2013

Pregnancy & Books

I love being a pregnant lady!! To be a great mom to my child, I must prepare myself with motherhood knowledge. (Other than learned from others experience, I also must read some books to add my knowledge).

So far, during five months of pregnancy I already bought 4 books about pregnancy & parenting. But, I'm not finish read all the books yet! Haha..

The first book I bought during my first trimester: 

Yup, it is 'Amalan & Petua Al-Quran Buat Wanita Hamil'. What I like about this book, it has lots of doa that is suitable for pregnant woman. Besides, it also has surah from Al-Quran that are suggested for pregnant lady to recite such as Surah Yusuf, Surah Maryam, Surah Luqman, Surah Yassin & Surah At-Taubah. Other than that, it also has combination of Islamic name for son & daughter. Most importantly, the size of this book makes me easy to put it inside my handbag and bring wherever I go.

These three books I bought during the Big Bad Wolf Book Sales end of 2012. The 'Simple Principles For A Happy And Healthy Pregnancy' is the best! Yeah, it is the 'all we need to know' book about pregnancy. I am highly recommend all pregnant mother or mother-to-be to read this book.

Currently, I'm still reading the 'Baby & Toddler Checklist'. And I think the last book 'You Raising Your Child', I will read it during my confinement period.  


16 January 2013

The Best Time For 3d 4d Scan

Yesterday I & Mr Hubby was on leave. We planned to do the 3d 4d scan for our baby. So, we decided to do the 3d 4d scan at Columbia Asia Hospital, Setapak. After registration, we choose to consult with Dr Sudha Kumari. She's very nice and always smile (in fact, she has a very sweet smile).

This week, I'm on 22nd weeks of pregnancy. Dr Sudha explained that the best time to do 3d 4d scan is on 28 weeks to 32 weeks of pregnancy.

The reasons she not encourage us to do the 3d 4d scan at this time (on my 22nd week of pregnancy) because:

     1) The baby is skinny and the size is still small. In fact, baby doesn't have a proper skin and flesh yet. So, the image would not be so clear.

     2) It is better to do 3d 4d scan once or maximum twice for each pregnancy. This is because the wave of the ultrasound might give effect to the baby. The wave and vibration is more higher than 2d scan. Although there is no scientific evidence yet, but according to Dr, it is better safe than sorry. 

She told us that she need to explain first, but then it is up to us whether to do it now or later. So, we take Dr's advice (we don't want to take risk since she is more knowledgeable & experienced). So, we decided to just do the 2d scan.

We're so happy seeing the baby's movement. The baby is soooo active. Most important, the baby also healthy. Look forward to do the 3d 4d scan on my 28 weeks of pregnancy!!


11 January 2013

Happy 27th Birthday To Me

Yesterday (10th January 2013) was my 27th birthday :) Yippiee!! Celebrating my birthday at Tony Roma's Mont Kiara with Mr Hubby. 

our special dinner last night

While having our special dinner, Mr Hubby gave me a lovely rose. 

There is only one rose. He explained a rose symbolic of I am the one and only for him. (Ok, I accept the reason & I better watch out if next time he give me bouquet of roses :p haha)

Arrived home, there is another birthday present for me :)

TQ so much dear for the lovely birthday celebration. I love you so so so so much!!!


8 January 2013

Usaha Untuk Mendapatkan Baby : LPPKN

Assalamualaikum semua :) This entry I nak share about my experience going treatment with LPPKN (which actually I didn't complete the treatment pun coz I dah pregnant). Bila usia perkahwinan dah almost 1 year & ramai sangat yang asyik tanya pasal baby, I ajak Mr Hubby g check up kat LPPKN. I choose LPPKN coz I dengar ramai yang berjaya mendapatkan baby bila dapat rawatan kat sana. Luckily, Mr Hubby pun ok je bila I ajak.

So, we start our check up / treatment with LPPKN on 2nd February 2012. Before pergi sana of course la kena call dulu and set the appointment date. Then, the staff there will advise what we should do before pergi sana. Apa yang I still ingat, we cannot make love for at least 3 days before the date. First time check up, both husband & wife kena datang together. 

After registration semua, Mr Hubby kena naik tingkat atas. There, dorang akan check husband's sperm (the quality & quantity as well). This is the reason why we cannot make love for at least 3 days. Macam mana they keluarkan sperm tue, apa yang Mr Hubby cerita, dorang masukkan Mr Hubby dalam 1 bilik and tayang 'adult video' & Mr Hubby kena keluarkan semen & tadah dalam 1 bekas.

As for myself, I kena stay je kat tingkat bawah untuk check up yang lain. Dorang ambil sample darah untuk test hormon & sebagainya. Actually, kena datang balik untuk test darah masa period hari yang ke 2 atau 5, but luckily I memang period hari ke-2 at that day, so terus settle 1 part. Bila Mr Hubby turun, Mr Hubby pun kena ambil sample darah.

Then, staff kat situ minta kami call 1 klinik x-ray nie(Klinik x-ray nie nearby je ngan LPPKN) untuk set appointment for x-ray HSG. X-ray nie tak salah I kena buat sebelum hari ke-10 period. Tujuan x-ray nie adalah untuk tengok if our fallopian tube is ok or not. Ada tersumbat ke tak ke. And if ada tersumbat sikit, by doing HSG x-ray nie, dia boleh clearkan apa yang tersumbat tue.

So, on 8th February 2012 I pun buat la x-ray HSG nie. Ngeri la jugak bila kena experience benda tue. Doktor akan masukkan 1 alat (I think camera) dalam Miss V kita. Then, (through monitor) I nampak ada cecair yang dimasukkan dalam my rahim. Doktor minta I mengiring sebelah kanan, then I nampak the liquid tue pun mengalir kat fallopian tube sebelah kanan. Then doktor minta I mengiring sebelah kiri pulak. Memang rasa senak bila dorang masukkan benda tue. I rasa macam nak pitam pun ada. Habis je dorang xray, nurse bagi pad sebab normally akan ada sedikit bleeding. Doktor pun bagi xray result and I need to bring the result when consultation session with LPPKN's doctor.

Habis cerita pasal HSG, on 20th February 2012, I kena datang alone to LPPKN coz dorang nak ambil sample darah lagi. Dorang kena ambil darah masa period hari ke-19 / 20. This time, just darah wife je yang dorang ambil. Sekejap je, sebab just ambil darah.

Next appointment, kena jumpa doktor untuk consultation. Doktor akan explain pasal result x-ray HSG and treatment yang doktor fikir sesuai untuk kita. On 20th March 2012, kami pun jumpa our doctor (Dr Abd Ghafar). Doktor cakap Mr Hubby memang takder masalah langsung. Sperm active, quantity cukup & quality pun bagus. But for myself, I have hormon problem. My hormon tak stabil. And based on result HSG x-ray, doktor kata my fallopian tube pun tak sama saiz. For both kanan & kiri, separuh tube saiz kecil and separuh tube saiz besar. Doktor kata sepatutnya kena saiz kecil sahaja. Doktor kata, kalau situasi macam nie, takut nanti I akan pregnant luar rahim. OMG, I sangat upset dengan result nie.. Hati ini hanya Allah yang tahu macam mana perasaannya. I tak nak menangis depan Mr Hubby, sebab I rasa dia pun sedih.

So, doktor pun suggest a few treatment yang sesuai dengan kita:
     1)Doktor akan bagi I makan ubat untuk hasilkan telur yang lebih. Means, ubat tue akan tolong keluarkan 4 biji telur sekali period cycle. Mr Hubby tak perlu dibuat apa-apa. By this way, possibility untuk dapat anak bukan sahaja ada, malah untuk dapat kembar pun chances nya agak tinggi.

     2) Cara yang lebih kurang sama dengan cara 1. I akan makan ubat hasilkan banyak telur. Dalam masa yang sama, doktor akan ambil sperm yang berkualiti from Mr Hubby and senyawakan dalam rahim I pada waktu subur. Possibility untuk nak dapat baby by this way lebih tinggi berbanding cara 1.

     3) Jika dua-dua cara dah dicuba beberapa kali tapi masih tak dapat, doktor akan suggest persenyawaan luar rahim. Doktor akan keluarkan telur wife and husband's sperm and senyawakan di luar. Bila dah disenyawakan, dia akan masukkan telur yang dah disenyawakan dalam rahim wife balik. The third way nie doktor tak berapa galakkan sebab sangat costly tapi chances nak dapat baby lebih tinggi.

So, what happen to us...we delay the treatment until June (sebab terlalu bz dengan urusan seharian). In July (when my first day period), I called the LPPKN to set an appointment for the first treatment. But, masa tue bulan puasa. The staff there bagitau dorang tak buat treatment masa bulan puasa. So, I kena call balik after raya. Frust la jugak sebab I dah excited sangat nak dapat baby masa tue.

After raya pulak, kena la tunggu first day period baru boleh call untuk set an appointment. Tapi I still tak period jugak even dah lebih 1 bulan raya. And guess what, the good news is I dah pun PREGNANT!!! So, that's why la I tak complete the treatment there. :)


3 January 2013

Usaha Untuk Mendapatkan Baby : Pemakanan

Setiap pasangan yang berkahwin pastinya menginginkan zuriat sendiri. Yes, baby nie salah satu rezeki dari Allah Taala, tapi sebagai hambaNya kita pun kena la berusaha sedaya yang termampu untuk mendapatkan apa yang diinginkan. Kata orang, usaha dan doa perlulah disertakan juga dengan tawakal kepada Yang Esa kerana Dia lebih mengetahui apa yang terbaik untuk kita & Dia lah sebaik-baik perancang untuk kita.

So, for kawan-kawan yang masih berusaha untuk mendapatkan baby, jangan putus asa, jangan mengalah & jangan pernah berhenti berdoa. Teruskan berusaha dan berdoa, insya Allah satu hari nanti Allah akan kabulkan juga doa kita.

As for myself, I dah berkahwin for one and a half year (I kahwin on 11 March 2011), baru I disahkan pregnant. Dah macam-macam usaha dilakukan untuk mendapatkan zuriat. Memang teringin sangat nak anak sendiri. Paling sedih & terasa bila ramai saudara & kawan-kawan dah mula tanya sama ada dah pregnant atau belum. Jeles pulak bila tengok ramai member yang baru je kawin terus pregnant. I pun pernah terlintas untuk ambil anak angkat je, tapi Mr Hubby tak nak bcoz dia kata anak angkat tak sama macam anak sendiri.

So, this time I nak share about my usaha (dari segi pemakanan) untuk mendapatkan baby. Actually, macam-macam usaha I dah buat untuk mendapatkan zuriat nie, termasuklah dari segi pemakanan, perubatan, hubungan sewaktu bersama suami, hubungan dengan orang sekeliling dan macam-macam lagi la. But, this post I will concentrate on pemakanan. Next time, I will share about usaha yang lain k... :)

I pun banyak ambil nasihat, pengajaran, panduan & pengalaman dari member-member & orang-orang yang lebih berpengalaman. So, dari segi pemakanan, inilah yang I dah ikhtiarkan:

1)Susu kambing
     Susu kambing ni I akan minum every morning. Walau tak tahan bau dia sekalipun, I gagahkan juga. Mr Hubby akan beli 14 botol untuk stok 2 minggu. Susu kambing nie boleh tahan as long as kita letak dalam freezer. I akan make sure everyday ada 2 botol simpan kat chiller, yang lain semua akan disimpan kat freezer. 2 minggu sekali Mr Hubby akan beli susu kambing dari sorang pakcik di Ampang, satu botol dalam RM4.50.

susu kambing yang Mr Hubby beli

Susu kambing nie kena make sure yang betul-betul perah dari kambing. Actually, yang bentuk serbuk tu tak digalakkan sangat sebab khasiatnya pun dah berkurangan, sebab dah dijadikan dalam bentuk serbuk kann.. I amalkan susu kambing nie sampai la I dah disahkan pregnant. Once dah disahkan pregnant, I stop sekejap sebab kata orang susu kambing nie panas.

2) Madu
     Madu I akan minum setiap petang lepas balik kerja. Bancuh je madu ngan segelas air suam, terus minum. Kalau boleh kena la ambil madu yang original, atau at least yang campuran gula nya tak banyak sangat. I ambil madu dari Yummy House, tapi harganya agak overprice. Disebabkan taste dia yang sedap & rasa macam tue madu original (since dia takder expired date, warna madu yang berbeza walaupun dari sama jenis, rasa nya tak berasid), I continue je amek madu tue.


3) Buah hawa / buah zuriat
     Buah hawa nie Mr Hubby beli dari satu kedai arab sebelah Pertama Complex (kat Medan Mara kot). Nama kedai tue Al Dukan Al Arabi. Murah je harga dia, dalam RM 5 sepasang. Kalau ada yang jual sampai berpuluh-puluh ringgit tue, lupakan je la. Buah nie from Mekah. Kalau kat Mekah harganya dalam RM 0.60 sebiji. 

buah hawa

Buah hawa nie seakan-akan buah kelapa. Kulitnya sangat keras dan memerlukan kesabaran yang sangat tinggi untuk mengopeknya. Dalam sabut tue ada macam tempurung kecil, then dalam tempurung tue ada isi yang berwarna putih.

buah hawa yang telah dibelah

Mr Hubby terpaksa menggunakan parang untuk mengopek buah hawa nie. Lepas dah dibuang sabutnya, I rebus buah hawa tue. I buat 2 cara, 1 cara I pecahkan tempurung buah hawa tue then rebus isi warna putih tue and 1 lagi cara I tak pecahkan tempurung buah hawa tue tapi terus je I rebus tempurung tue. Air rebusan akan bertukar kepada warna oren keperangan. 

Sebelum nak minum air nie, better tapis dahulu air rebusan tue. Bcoz tak nak la kita terminum sekali dengan habuk-habuk kecil dari buah tue. Takut nanti akan dapat penyakit lain lak.

Ada yang cakap better minum selama 40 hari, tapi I belasah je minum walaupun dah over 40 hari. I amalkan setiap malam sebelum tidur. Mr Hubby pun minum juga. Sejauh mana keberkesanan buah nie, kita tawakal je la kepada Yang Esa.

4) Debunga Kurma

     Debunga kurma nie pun I beli from kedai arab kat Medan Mara (Al Dukan Al Arabi). Harganya RM25.00 sebotol. Debunga kurma nie dalam bentuk serbuk. So, cara nak buatnya >> Kita ambil serbuk debunga kurma nie, campur sedikit dengan air masak (air tue sangat sedikit). Then, agak adunan tue dah boleh dibentuk, buat bulat-bulat ala-ala makjun. Bila dah buat akan dapat banyak biji juga la. So, I just keep dalam chiller je. Setiap malam sebelum masuk bilik nak tidur, I and Mr Hubby akan telan seorang sebiji.

5) Pantang makanan yang tajam
     Yang nie haruslah kann...Makanan yang tajam macam nenas, cuka, minuman bergas & etc memang patut dielakkan. I memang tak ambil langsung makanan yang I rasa macam 'tajam' ni sejak I memang nak sangat baby. 

Oklah, pada kawan-kawan yang masih mencuba, teruskan berusaha, berikhtiar dan berdoa. Yakinlah dengan ketentuan Yang Esa. Sesungguhnya Dia lebih mengetahui apa yang terbaik untuk kita. 

Akhir kata, marilah kita bersama-sama meramaikan umat Adam di muka bumi ini.


2 January 2013

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 : Story Behind New Year 2013!!

Hello semua :) Hope it is not too late for me to wish Happy New Year. So, what's your new year resolution? Mine, to achieve what I didn't achieved yet in 2012. Haha... (every year' resolution is just the same >> to achieve what hasn't achieved in previous year) LOL.

Ok, seriously, I wanna be the best mom to my future child and of course the best wife ever to my lovely husband, Mr Fly. Hope we will success in what we are doing. Ameen..

Before 2012 end, my husband surprised me by gave an unexpected present to me >> Samsung Galaxy Note II << my dream smartphone ever. But, there's a story behind it. Late night 30 December 2012, we are searching for new phones. At first, we already decided to buy the Samsung Galaxy Note II for me ( in fact we already paid the phone for RM2020). Then, my husband asking the salesperson the price for Samsung Galaxy Nexus (for himself) and the salesperson told us that if we buy 2 Samsung Galaxy Nexus he will give us the best price. Then, my husband ask me to decide >> if I want the Note II, he will buy the cheaper phone (below RM500) for himself, or the second choice we both get the Galaxy Nexus<<

After few minutes, I then decided to have 2 Galaxy Nexus for us. Yela, I don't want to be selfish (I tak nak baby dalam perut pun akan jadi selfish nanti). Eventhough I really want the Note II, but I pity my husband. Takkan la I nak guna phone yang mahal but he gonna use the cheaper one. Besides, both pun akan ada handphone yang sama, so fair & square la kann. So, Mr Hubby pun bayar la the 2 Galaxy Nexus for RM2800 (RM1400 each, which I think overprice>>after go back we search the market price for the phone).

Mr Hubby's Samsung Galaxy Nexus (the box/packaging)

When reached home, Mr Hubby pulak rasa bersalah sebab tak beli my dream phone. (He knows how I really want that Note II). I pun just said that is my decision. It is ok & I will buy Note III if Samsung launch it. haha. Ok, I thought habis sampai situ.

But, the next day (31 December 2012) after coming back from work, Mr Hubby ajak I pergi kedai handphone semalam, sebab katanya nak tukar charger (they wrongly gave the charger). Sampai je kat kedai tue, Mr Hubby tanya if we can trade-in the Nexus for Note II. The salesperson asks for additional RM870 for that. Mr Hubby agreed and he paid the price and he gave me my dream phone> Samsung Galaxy Note II<. Immediately I cried in front of the shop, not because I'm sad but because I'm so terharu with him. He said that he loves me (of course la kan) and he felt regret for not fulfill my wants. Oh, I love my husband sooooooo much!!

I nak share jugak la the reasons we bought new phones for us:

1) Our phones dah really nazak, outdated & even salesperson tue pun tak bagi kitorang trade-in phone lama kitorang (see how outdated our phone was)

2) Because camera AES sangat suka dengan kita, which our car selalu kena snap ngan camera AES. So, hopefully bila dah ada phone canggih nie boleh la kita detect kat mana ada AES camera or speed trap.

3) One day, I pergi kenduri with my friend kat Cheras. We both tak tahu jalan, tapi I said to her yang I dah search jalan through Google Maps. On the way balik kenduri, phone I ringing (my phone inside my bag). I ask her to take my phone (coz I'm driving) and she terus cakap "Oh, no wonder la your phone takde GPS). Whatttt??!!! Berani dia kutuk phone I!!! Balik rumah apa lagi, I pun mengadu la dengan Mr Hubby.

Then, this is the outcome : 

New Galaxy Note II for myself =) yippieee!!!

So, after this, every moment happens in my life, I'm gonna snap the picture using my new Samsung Galaxy Note II. =)

To Mr Hubby: TQ sebab belikan apa yang I nak sangat. Even you tak beli pun, I sayang sangat dengan you. Tapi, since you dah beli, bertambah-tambah berdouble triple lagi sayang I. I love you sooooooo much!!
