2 January 2013

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 : Story Behind New Year 2013!!

Hello semua :) Hope it is not too late for me to wish Happy New Year. So, what's your new year resolution? Mine, to achieve what I didn't achieved yet in 2012. Haha... (every year' resolution is just the same >> to achieve what hasn't achieved in previous year) LOL.

Ok, seriously, I wanna be the best mom to my future child and of course the best wife ever to my lovely husband, Mr Fly. Hope we will success in what we are doing. Ameen..

Before 2012 end, my husband surprised me by gave an unexpected present to me >> Samsung Galaxy Note II << my dream smartphone ever. But, there's a story behind it. Late night 30 December 2012, we are searching for new phones. At first, we already decided to buy the Samsung Galaxy Note II for me ( in fact we already paid the phone for RM2020). Then, my husband asking the salesperson the price for Samsung Galaxy Nexus (for himself) and the salesperson told us that if we buy 2 Samsung Galaxy Nexus he will give us the best price. Then, my husband ask me to decide >> if I want the Note II, he will buy the cheaper phone (below RM500) for himself, or the second choice we both get the Galaxy Nexus<<

After few minutes, I then decided to have 2 Galaxy Nexus for us. Yela, I don't want to be selfish (I tak nak baby dalam perut pun akan jadi selfish nanti). Eventhough I really want the Note II, but I pity my husband. Takkan la I nak guna phone yang mahal but he gonna use the cheaper one. Besides, both pun akan ada handphone yang sama, so fair & square la kann. So, Mr Hubby pun bayar la the 2 Galaxy Nexus for RM2800 (RM1400 each, which I think overprice>>after go back we search the market price for the phone).

Mr Hubby's Samsung Galaxy Nexus (the box/packaging)

When reached home, Mr Hubby pulak rasa bersalah sebab tak beli my dream phone. (He knows how I really want that Note II). I pun just said that is my decision. It is ok & I will buy Note III if Samsung launch it. haha. Ok, I thought habis sampai situ.

But, the next day (31 December 2012) after coming back from work, Mr Hubby ajak I pergi kedai handphone semalam, sebab katanya nak tukar charger (they wrongly gave the charger). Sampai je kat kedai tue, Mr Hubby tanya if we can trade-in the Nexus for Note II. The salesperson asks for additional RM870 for that. Mr Hubby agreed and he paid the price and he gave me my dream phone> Samsung Galaxy Note II<. Immediately I cried in front of the shop, not because I'm sad but because I'm so terharu with him. He said that he loves me (of course la kan) and he felt regret for not fulfill my wants. Oh, I love my husband sooooooo much!!

I nak share jugak la the reasons we bought new phones for us:

1) Our phones dah really nazak, outdated & even salesperson tue pun tak bagi kitorang trade-in phone lama kitorang (see how outdated our phone was)

2) Because camera AES sangat suka dengan kita, which our car selalu kena snap ngan camera AES. So, hopefully bila dah ada phone canggih nie boleh la kita detect kat mana ada AES camera or speed trap.

3) One day, I pergi kenduri with my friend kat Cheras. We both tak tahu jalan, tapi I said to her yang I dah search jalan through Google Maps. On the way balik kenduri, phone I ringing (my phone inside my bag). I ask her to take my phone (coz I'm driving) and she terus cakap "Oh, no wonder la your phone takde GPS). Whatttt??!!! Berani dia kutuk phone I!!! Balik rumah apa lagi, I pun mengadu la dengan Mr Hubby.

Then, this is the outcome : 

New Galaxy Note II for myself =) yippieee!!!

So, after this, every moment happens in my life, I'm gonna snap the picture using my new Samsung Galaxy Note II. =)

To Mr Hubby: TQ sebab belikan apa yang I nak sangat. Even you tak beli pun, I sayang sangat dengan you. Tapi, since you dah beli, bertambah-tambah berdouble triple lagi sayang I. I love you sooooooo much!!



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